Universal Segment


= the pusher of your potential for a lifetime!


A permanent, psychokinetic UNIVERSAL COMPONENT which constantly drives and accelerates all functional and potential properties of humans (psi and bioenergetic) to a maximum benefit and profit exploitation.

  • Many ideas, but the implementation fails?
  • The best possible conditions have already been created for you, but your desired success is still missing?
  • Injuries, nervousness or fear of failure thwart the bill?
  • Physiologically top fit, but mental weakness always throws you back?
  • Inexplicable problems complicate your plans/goals?
  • Creative crisis and holes, no motivation or momentary emptiness?
  • Pressure by envious or competitors?
  • Average good, but you feel it could be even more, even better?


What makes these parapsychological instruments so special and valuable for humans in general? Their unique and unlimited possibility to support humans on all levels (physiological, mental, emotional). Best possible actions and maximum implementation of intended goals require unlimited thinking and imagination. Visions and dreams can be realized, if the human profits from a healthy foundation at all levels of being – physiologically, neurologically, biologically and emotionally. The mental level plays an important role at the performance level as well as in the implementation of projects.

A success-oriented person actually intends to implement own goals; to make visions become true. The human strives to integrate discoveries and visions into everyday life, into world events. It often requires courage, perseverance, independence from resonance and patience. A performance-oriented person does everything in power to retrieve the own performance on a certain date and to become better and better in the long run. Higher, further, faster. This needs motivation, the competence to implement, the inner willingness to further development and the intellectual freedom to cross one’s supposed boundaries.

Do you feel the desire to achieve something great? To leave positive traces in life and to have a healthy influence? Learn how a parapsychological innovation can change your life! Cause no. 1 why success is often only moderate, is an energetically negative imprint of emotional/mental experiences that often go back years. Every sensory reflex (mental, emotional, physiological, etc.) contains a psi- and bioenergetic frequency. A negative one has also a corresponding negative mental structure = poison for an achiever. Despite good intentions or commitments, people do not really make progress in certain areas of life. Questions arise: What won’t let me get ahead? What prevents me from free and unlimited implementations?” The answers have remained hidden so far.

Long-term, meticulous parapsychological research provides trend-setting insights!

With the PSI quantum leap, an exciting journey begins for humans, on which they should always develop further at all levels of their being: As a human, person and gender. Weaknesses should be developed into strengths and exaggerated things should be brought into balance. Each person carries an own PSI code which has a determining effect in life because it contains among other things the spiritual potential, the highest possible further development, accompanied by the necessary karmic balancing processes, experiential and transformation processes.


UNIVERSAL SEGMENT – THE ALLROUNDER at your side – for a lifetime!

The psychokinetic and mentally predisposed UNIVERSAL SEGMENT leads to a gigantic INCREASE in PERFORMANCE and SUCCESS in all areas of life! In medial research on the energetic dispositions of subjects, it is possible to exert a corresponding influence via the built-up medial tangent. The distance to the subject does not matter (PSI signals are not spatially or time-bound).

In a special state of consciousness, the agent (sender) concentrates and imprints the imaginary message on the passive mind of the recipient (receiver). By means of special PSI receptors, which are available to every human being, PSI signals are perceived and transmitted to the normal senses. These PSI signals are converted into kinetic energy upon arrival at the subject, which then performs the imaginary task. With the effectiveness of this UNIVERSAL SEGMENT, the human is able to set new standards!

The UNIVERSAL SEGMENT consists of 4 individual segments (Control Segment, Hyper Segment, Winner Segment, Emotional Resignal Filter Template), which are controlled by means of a coordination segment. With the addition of the Synchronization Segment, all processes run synchronously. It represents the decisive link in the necessary alignment of receptive factors. As a result, everything that makes up a person’s personality becomes a unit in the shortest possible time. Through the rapid interlocking of the individual processes, the human being feels more stable and certain in all decisions (also emotionally).

Brief description:
By means of a medial connection to the recipient (recipient of the medial information), negative psi- or bioenergetic dispositions that have already arisen can be determined. Subsequently, by means of psychokinesis, neutralisation is successively achieved. A firmly anchored positive counterpole (Control Segment) ensures that existing deficits are compensated on a physiological, biochemical or psychological level. Thus a healthy basis is created to carry out the important and unavoidable processes of experience in a goal-oriented and fully efficient way. The best result lies in the complete realization! Thus the human being does not remain stuck in the imprint and the resulting pattern behaviour, limited ideas, etc., but s/he enables herself/himself a life on the highest level – mentally as well as emotionally.

The CONTROL SEGMENT supports the highest development frequency! Biology and neurology are positively controlled by healthy and active development!
Furthermore, in the preparation of the HYPER SEGMENT, a subliminal wire to the PSI-unit is established, which is autonomously switched via the sensory reflexes and has a positive effect on both the mental and emotional level. This causes an optimal disposition for all situations because the human being is switched directly from the PSI sequence! Each impulse is passed through the Hyper Segment. This has the great advantage that the necessary information can be obtained from all stored experiences and the already acquired knowledge from all previous lives (PSI energy is not bound to space and time).

From these autonomous, involuntary processes, a human always receives a positive emotional background from her/his own true, highly potentiated primordial sequence. This enables faster insights into processes that are life lessons. Through this firmly anchored converter (transmitter) the human being benefits in all situations in life. The PSI unit thus has an increasing influence on the entire solid matter.

The HYPER SEGMENT makes it much easier for people to detach themselves from deep-seated imprints and the resulting pattern behaviour (thoughts, fears, anxieties, doubts, etc.) and to redefine themselves.

The EMOTIONAL RESIGNAL FILTER TEMPLATE is indispensable in order to be able to reposition oneself in all areas of life! By means of psychokinesis, it is possible to create this section assistance with the functioning of which corresponds to that of a filter. This means that all negative experiences at the moment are rearranged by the filter template. Thus the resignal arrives correctly and it stores itself mentally accordingly. Instead of as before – where many single negative resignals (vibration components) have been stored through increased negative emotional disappointments and the human being often makes decisions in the here and now from a reproduction (resulting from an involuntary feedback of the already stored negative resignals = state of resignation). But in the future, every emotional experience will be filtered through the EMOTIONAL RESIGNAL FILTER TEMPLATE!

Effect = with the correct resignal, the human being can start to highest performances, s/he profits thereby from the newly won staying power. An emotionally strong and mentally ordered person = maximum gain of quality! The previous event horizon of the imaginable is expanding! You think outside the box!

SUCCESS is a complex term and is defined individually by each person. Everyone has own ideas of success. A proven fact is that every human being has potential positive qualities, talents, abilities. But how much can be implemented? By superficial factors (e. g. headwind of envy, collective imprints, etc.) projects and intentions are often buried and/or pushed aside. Many careers have already failed under the prevailing pressure of performance and expectations. The WINNER SEGMENT is a stable, balancing counterpart. The own existing potential is fixed, thus it comes to a reflexive signal effect, which keeps the human being firm on track. A lasting strong force can only come from psi-energetic impulses. A procrastinator becomes a decisive and action-strong person. A despondent one turns into a brave one!

Thanks to this methodical support (WINNER SEGMENT), humans are able to achieve the MAXIMUM, even in the long-term pursuit of (training) goals. Essential for all those who want to experience and enjoy success. Without this profitable factor, humans would always run the risk of involuntarily succumbing to the already existing negatively stored engrams (mental/emotional storage factors) and thus being blocked again or reduced in the implementation. On the other hand, if a person feels really good and is in a positive mood, then her or his creative achievements, imagination, motivation, expression, charisma, thinking and willpower are in top condition.

With the WINNER SEGMENT, the positive form of existing skills/properties is permanently and autonomously coordinated. Thus, one is in a position to turn all one’s profitable intentions into reality. An increased signal effect positively affects all areas of life: partnership, profession, finance, health. The key option for success is now in place. The WINNER SEGMENT puts you firmly on the road to success in the shortest possible time and supports you throughout your life. It forces your peak performance by means of positive physical and psychological stimuli!

Suddenly targets are within reach!

“I am pleased about the international interest. With this unique parapsychological support, I can enable many performance-oriented people to better regenerate and heal efficiently from injuries. When pursuing and exercising long-term goals, this method can be used to achieve maximum performance efficiency, vitality, nerve strength, endurance, etc. The futuristic and healthy nature of this potential pusher will delight many performance and success-oriented people.”

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