The parapsychological assistance to implement intended goals more easily. An increased signal effect by means of psychokinesis positively affects partnership, profession, finance, and health.

What causes bad luck, failure, defeats?

The whys and wherefores of these things know no one. The parapsychologically conducted research leads to the causal nexus (= determining factor, from which everything else starts) and brings trend-setting insights for optimization and target-oriented measures. It is not the “punishing dear God” who chooses the fate for one, but rather mental and emotional memory traces in the form of negative engrams!

Every human being has potential qualities, talents, positive abilities. But how much can be actually implemented? How many visions and imaginations have been flown away or buried again in the course of time? Success is a multi-layered concept and is defined by each human differently, i. e. everyone has an own idea of success. How do you manage now to push this success forward?

Functionality: (short description)

Success has its own structure. By means of a psychokinetically prepared structure, the own existing potential is fixed. This results in a reflexive signaling effect that keeps the human on track. The WINNER SEGMENT creates a stable, balancing counterpart and coordinates the positive form of all existing properties of a human autonomously and permanently. Thus, one is in a position to turn all profitable intentions into reality. The key option for success has been set!

Without this profitable factor, man would involuntarily succumb in everyday life to the negative engrams that already exist. The real danger potential of negatively stored engrams lies in the fact that as soon as the human gets into a disharmony (e. g. headwinds of envy, resentment, collective imprints/irritations, etc.), engrams can be activated from the reflex. The fatal part: From the moment of this autonomous and involuntary activation, a human is emotionally determined by these negative frequency characteristics. She/he is again blocked, reduced and restricted in acting.


For this reason, the WINNER SEGMENT is indispensable for all humans who want to have unlimited success:

It puts you firmly on the road to success in the shortest possible time and supports you throughout your life.


The WINNER SEGMENT = basis of every success:

  • supports your imaginative power: the intended goal can be better represented and implemented more easily
  • improved structure of personality
  • strong, bundled willpower - even in long-term pursuit of (training) goals = better competence of implementation
  • supports the actual energy supplier = motivation boost
  • highest performance through positive physical and psychological Stimuli
    = a maximum use of the own potential with all Projects!


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